Please note: this post is an archive, its content is outdated!
Review on the COVID-19 and the Caminos de Santiago in Spain, France and Portugal. News and developments about the coronavirus; its effect on the Camino and the pilgrim community. The most recent news are on top of the page.
Coronavirus situation at a glance Spain ~~~ France ~~~ Portugal Timline of the coronavirus events

Marion, Santiago in Love ~ (CC) BY-NC-SA
Yes, share this post… and name its source! Content like this require a huge load of work and time… Sames goes for the pilgrim-virus illustration! Also I normally have no-zero-zip-null-0 interest in politics, so info gathering and checking in this particular post was kind of a painful process ;P (edit: and it only gets worse… TnT) Thanks in advance to respect the work 🙂
Coronavirus situation at a glance
Warning! This post is an archive, its content is outdated!
Timeline of the coronavirus events
Green highlights show information that are still valid at the time of the page’s update
Tip! Use an online translator to access sources that are not in English! Copy the texts and paste in the translator. I personally use DeepL or Google Translate 🙂
Christmas and New Year holidays
In Spain, a national agreement settles restrictions for the end of the year holidays. All regions will enforce it except Madrid, Catalunya, Baleares, Canarias, which will set their own measures. Mobility between regions for touristic reasons are banned approximately from December 23 to January 6 2021. Warning, each region decides the specifics of the measures they enforce on their territory (for example dates and durations of the restrictions). Check out each region individually to know what applies!
In Portugal, usual measures are adjusted for the end of year holidays. For Christmas: free mobility between municipalities from December 23-26, “civil duty of home confinement” lifted. On December 24 and 25, curfew put off to 2am (instead of 11pm) in high risk, very high risk and extremely high risk municipalities. On December 26 , curfew put off to 11pm (instead of 1pm) in very high risk and extremely high risk municipalities. New Year: ban on mobility between municipalities from December 31 at 11pm to January 4 at 5am. Curfew at 11pm on December 31 and from 1pm to 5am on January 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2021
In France, usual measures are ongoing. Free mobility with curfew from 8pm to 6am. Some tolerance for mobility on December 24 but not for New Year.
December 31 2020
In Portugal, usual measures are adjusted for the New Year holiday. Ban on mobility between municipalities from December 31 at 11pm to January 4 at 5am. Curfew at 11pm on December 31 and from 1pm to 5am on January 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2021
Source: Estamos On
December 28 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid modifies its restrictions. Lockdowns are limited to various areas and extended for 7-14 days depending on the zone (January 4-11 2021). Passage of pilgrims in the region is possible; same in the municipality of Madrid (only a few districts are affected by lockdowns). Airport and public transportation are accessible.
Sources: Junta de Madrid / map of zones in lockdown
December 23 2020
In Portugal, usual measures are adjusted for Christmas. Free mobility between municipalities from December 23-26, “civil duty of home confinement” lifted. On December 24 and 25, curfew put off to 2am (instead of 11pm) in high risk, very high risk and extremely high risk municipalities. On December 26 , curfew put off to 11pm (instead of 1pm) in very high risk and extremely high risk municipalities.
Source: Estamos On
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Aragon for 14 days at least (January 6 2021). Lockdown is also maintained for the provinces of Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. Lockdown is lifted for the municipalities of Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Aragonés, del Ebro, Sagunto
Source: Junta de Aragon
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Extremadura is in lockdown until january 6 2021. Entry and exit of the region forbidden for tourism; free mobility within the region. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de la Plata, Mozarabe, del Sur
Source: Junta de Extremadura
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Extremadura is in lockdown until january 6 2021. Entry and exit of the region forbidden for tourism; free mobility within the region (except for local restrictions). Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Inglés, Fisterra-Muxia, del Norte, Primitivo, Francés, Invierno, Portugués et Sanabrés
Source: Junta de Galicia
December 21 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid modifies its restrictions. Lockdowns are limited to various areas and extended for 7 days (December 28). Passage of pilgrims in the region is possible; same in the municipality of Madrid (only a few districts are affected by lockdowns). Airport and public transportation are accessible.
Sources: Junta de Madrid / map of zones in lockdown
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Catalunya, for 3 weeks at least (January 11 2021). . Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Catalan, de Girona, de Barcelona, de Tarragona, del Ebro
Source: Junta de Catalonia
December 19 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of La Rioja extends its lockdown for 1 month at least (January 15 2021). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason. Lockdown is lifted in Logroño. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Francés, del Ebro, Interior-Vasco-Via bayona
Source: Junta de La Rioja
December 18 2020
In Portugal, the government extends the state of emergency until January 7 2021 and reevaluates restrictions on its territory. Municipalities are divided into 4 levels of pandemic severity, each with specific restrictions: risk zones that are moderate, high, very high and extremely high. In moderate risk municipalities: “civil duty of home confinement”. In high risk municipalities, same than lower risk municipality, plus: curfew from 11pm to 5am; closure of shops at 10pm. In very high risk and extremely high risk municipalities, same than lower risk municipality, plus: ban of mobility from 1pm-5am on Saturdays and Sundays; shop closure at 10pm in weekdays and at 1pm on Saturdays and Sundays
Sources: Estamos On (detail of the measures) / Jornal de negocios (map)
December 17 2020
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Cantabria for 1 month at least (January 16 2021). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos del Norte, Viejo, Vadiniense
Source: Junta de Cantabria
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Navarra extends its lockdown for 1 month at least (January 14 2021). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason. Pilgrims are not allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Francés, Baztan, Aragonés, del Ebro
Source: Junta de Navarra
December 16 2020
The European Council updates and releases recommendations on reopening the EU external borders. Restrictions are lifted for countries: that have a global heath situation similar or better than the EU’s; a number of cases stable or decreasing over the last 15 days; a crisis management that is considered trustworthy and efficient. The following countries are thus suggested to be granted entry in the EU*: Australia, Japan, New-Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, South Corea, Thailand, China (if reciprocity).
Warning! Each state is free to maintain entry restriction to the countries mentioned in the list. Each state is also free to design its own entry conditions and/or complementary restrictions. See above for list of countries allowed respectively by Spain, France and Portugal
*Residents of the countries that are not mentioned are still denied entry in the UE
Source: European Council
December 15 2020
In France, the government lifts the national lockdown. Mobility is allowed on the whole territory, a curfew is enforced from 8pm to 6am
Source: Légifrance
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia reevaluates the measure it enforces on its territory. A fluctuating number of municipalities are in lockdown: the exact list is regularly updated by Galicia. Entry and exit of the relevant municipalities is banned but transit is ok (warning: stops, eating and sleeping impossible!). Accommodations and restaurant are open again, with various occupancy rate depending of the risk level of the municipality. The municipality of Snatiago de Compostela is in lockdown again. Applies to the following Caminos: del Norte, Primitivo, Francés, Invierno, Portugués et Sanabrés
Sources: Conselleria de Sanidade de Galicia / Junta de Galicia (ongoing measures but warning: there’s delay between announcements and updates!)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia updates the list of provenances requiring travelers to register upon entry. Since July 28, Galicia enforces a new health measure upon people entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities (see below). For people arriving from the following regions of Spain: Aragón, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Melilla, País Vasco, La Rioja. Or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e), among which Portugal, and the UK. This list is normally reevaluated every 15 days.
Procedure: submit your registration within 24h upon arrival in Galicia, with the webpage Coronavirus Travellers (in English) or by phone at 881 00 20 21. Your accommodation/tour must inform you of this new measure and can help you comply to this formality.
Source: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
December 14 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid modifies its restrictions. Lockdowns are limited to varous areas and extended for 7 days (December 21). Passage of pilgrims in the region is possible; same in the municipality of Madrid (only a few districts are affected by lockdowns). Airport and public transportation are accessible.
Sources: Junta de Madrid / map of zones in lockdown
December 12 2020
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Pais Vasco, for 1 month at least (January 10). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; local population confined to their own municipalities. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos del Norte, Vasco, Viejo
Source: Junta de Pais Vasco
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Cantabria for 10 days at least (December 22). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Warning, mobility is impossible between some municipalities within the territory. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos del Norte, Viejo, Vadiniense
Source: Junta de Cantabria
December 11 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon extends its lockdown for 1 month at least (January 10 until 11:59pm). Zones are also in lockdown within the region. The region officially allows pilgrims to be on the Camino under the following condition: the ones who where in the region before October 30 can continue their Camino; the ones who would want to enter and walk through the region after October 30 will not be accepted (they would be considered as illegaly walking in Castilla and subject to sanctions!) but they can board a bus to Pedrafita do Cebreiro (Galicia) to go through the region. Applies to the Caminos Francés, Vasco, Viejo, Vadiniense, del Salvador, de Lana, de Madrid, Levante, de la Plata, Invierno, Sanabrés
Source: Junta de Castilla y Leon
December 10 2020
In Spain, the “lockdown release” plan is announced for the Autonomous Community of Andalucia. Measures in place are ongoing until December 12. From December 12-17, mobility is possible between municipalities of a same province (but not from one province to the next); provinces and the region remain in lockdown. From December 18 to January 10, mobility si possible between provinces too; the region remains in lockdown. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de la Plata, Mozarabe, Augusta, del Sur
Source: Junta de Andalucia
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Valencia extends its lockdown for 5 weeks at least (January 15, 11:59pm). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de Lana, Levante
Source: Junta de Valencia
December 9 2020
In Spain, the government modifies the requirements regarding the mandatory presentation of a negative test for travelers coming from a Covid-risk area. All travelers older than 6 years old and entering by air or sea have to comply to enter in the country without restrictions. Risk areas are the one designed by the ECDC: UE/EEE areas that are color-coded red or gray; third countries that have an incidence above 150 for 10,000 people during the previous 14 days. Travel and transportation agencies must let you know of this new measure. The test must be done 72h prior of entry in Spain and proof can be asked at any moment. PCR and TMA tests are accepted, but warning: others are not recognized as valid! Result paper must be original, in English/Spanish/French/German, in paper or digital format. The document must include the following information: name, ID number (if applicable, identical to the one used for the Spain Travel Health-SpTH form), date of test, identification and address of the analysis center, method used for the test and negative test result. Travelers who can’t provide a proof of negative PCR test, provide a non-approved one or who are suspected of having the virus are required to take a new test within 48h upon arrival in Spain. Measure announced on November 11, publish in the State official journal on November 12. This applies in addition to other existing measures (see above for the situation in Spain)
Sources: Official journal of Spain: original bill and amendment / Ministry of Health: list valid until December 13 on this page and list valid from December 14-27 on this page
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia reevaluates the measure it enforces on its territory. A fluctuating number of municipalities are in lockdown: the exact list is regularly updated by Galicia, usually on Tuesdays and Fridays. Entry and exit of the relevant municipalities is banned but transit is ok (warning: stops, eating and sleeping impossible!). Accommodations and restaurant are open again, with various occupancy rate depending of the risk level of the municipality. Usual restrictions are still ongoing. Applies to the following Caminos: del Norte, Primitivo, Francés, Invierno, Portugués et Sanabrés
Source: Junta de Galicia
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Catalunya, for 14 days at least (December 21). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; closure of bars and restaurants. Warning, mobility between municipalities is forbidden. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Catalan, de Girona, de Barcelona, de Tarragona, del Ebro
Source: Junta de Catalunya
In Spain, the additional measures specific to the holiday of December 6 are lifted. Regional lockdown is lifted, other restrictions are still ongoing.
Source: Junta de Galicia
In Portugal, the additional measures specific to the holiday of December 8 are lifted. Mobility allowed between municipalities from 5pm. Warning, other restrictions are still ongoing (see November 24)
Source: Portuguese government
December 7 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid modifies its restrictions. Lockdowns are limited to varous areas and extended for 7 days (December 14). Passage of pilgrims in the region is possible; same in the municipality of Madrid (only a few districts are affected by lockdowns). Airport and public transportation are accessible.
Sources: Junta de Madrid / map of zones in lockdown
December 5 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid publishes measures and recommendations for the end of the year holiday, ongoing until January 8. No “holidays” lockdown but public gatherings are forbidden and event are strictly regulated. “Usual” measures are still ongoing.
Source: Junta de Madrid
December 4 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia reevaluates the measure it enforces on its territory. A fluctuating number of municipalities are in lockdown: the exact list is regularly updated by Galicia, usually on Tuesdays and Fridays. Entry and exit of the relevant municipalities is banned but transit is ok (warning: stops, eating and sleeping impossible!). Accommodations and restaurant are open again, with various occupancy rate depending of the risk level of the municipality. Also, additional measures specific to the holiday of December 6 are taken. Regional lockdown from December 4-9: entry and exit of the territory banned without essential motive. Usual restrictions are still ongoing. Entry impossible for pilgrims coming from the following Caminos: del Norte, Primitivo, Francés, Invierno, Portugués et Sanabrés
Sources: Junta de Galicia (bill / map of municipalities), RTVE (map of municipalities, 2nd one)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon extends its lockdown for 7 days at least (December 10 until 11:59pm). Zones are also in lockdown within the region. The region officially allows pilgrims to be on the Camino under the following condition: the ones who where in the region before October 30 can continue their Camino; the ones who would want to enter and walk through the region after October 30 will not be accepted (they would be considered as illegaly walking in Castilla and subject to sanctions!) but they can board a bus to Pedrafita do Cebreiro (Galicia) to go through the region. Applies to the Caminos Francés, Vasco, Viejo, Vadiniense, del Salvador, de Lana, de Madrid, Levante, de la Plata, Invierno, Sanabrés
Source: Junta de Castilla y Leon
In Spain, in Asturias, lockdowns are extended for 14 days at least (December 10) in the municipalities of Gijon and Avilés (Camino del Norte) and Oviedo (Camino Primitivo + del Salvador). All of Asturias is also in lockdown. Passage impossible for pilgrims
Source: Junta de Asturias
In Portugal, the govenment enforces additional measures specific to the holiday of December 8. Mobility ban between municipalities from December 4 at 11pm to December 9 at 5pm. Warning, shop closure at 3pm on December 7! Non-residents can leave the country and/or enter it to reach an accommodation. No specific info regarding pilgrims.
Source: Portuguese government
December 2nd 2020
In Portugal, the additional measures specific to the holiday of December 1st are lifted. Mobility allowed between municipalities from 5pm. Warning, other restrictions are still ongoing (see November 24)
Source: Portuguese government
December 1st 2020
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Cantabria for 10 days at least (December 10). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions.Warning, mobility is impossible between some municipalities within the territory. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos del Norte, Viejo, Vadiniense
Source: Junta de Cantabria
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Aragon for 20 days at least (December 20). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; lockdown is also maintained for the provinces of Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. Lockdown is lifted for the municipalities of Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Aragonés, del Ebro, Sagunto
Source: Junta de Aragon
November 30 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid modifies its restrictions. Lockdowns are limited to varous areas, including the municipality of Colmenar Viejo (Camino de Madrid), where the lockdown is extended for 7 days (December 7). Passage of pilgrims in the region is possible; same in the municipality of Madrid (only a few districts are affected by lockdowns); no info on possibility of passage through Colmenar Viejo. Airport and public transportation are accessible.
Sources: Official journal of the AC of Madrid / map of areas in lockdown (in Spanish)
November 29 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of La Rioja extends its lockdown for 20 days at least (December 19). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; bars and restaurants closed; strict social restrictions. Lockdown is lifted in Logroño. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Francés, del Ebro, Interior-Vasco-Via bayona
Source: Junta de La Rioja
November 27 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia updates the list of provenances requiring travelers to register upon entry. Since July 28, Galicia enforces a new health measure upon people entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities (see below). For people arriving from any region of Spain (except Baleares, Canarias and Valancia) or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e), among which France, Portugal, and the UK. This list is normally reevaluated every 15 days.
Source: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
In Portugal, the government enforces additional measures specific to the holiday of December 8. Mobility ban between municipalities from November 27 at 11pm to December 2nd at 5pm. Warning, shop closure at 3pm on November 30! Non-residents can leave the country and/or enter it to reach an accommodation. No specific info regarding pilgrims.
Source: Portuguese government
In France, the government soften the lockdown measure, but it is still ongoing. The French Caminos are still not accessible.
Source: Légifrance
November 24 2020
In Portugal, the government extends the state of emergency and reevaluates restrictions on its territory. Each municipality is listed according to 4 levels of pandemic severity and corresponding restrictions: moderate, high, very high and extremely high risk. In moderate risk municipalities: “civil duty of home confinement”. In high risk municipalities, same than lower risk municipalities, plus: curfew from 11pm to 5am; closure of shops at 10pm. In very high risk and extremely high risk municipalities, same than lower risk municipalities, plus: ban of mobility from 1pm-5am on Saturdays and Sundays and on December 1st and 8; restaurant and shop closure at 10pm in weekdays and at 1pm on Saturdays and Sundays.
Source: Portuguese government (details of the measures) / Jornal de negocios (map of municipalities)
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Andalucia for 16 days at least (December 10). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Warning, mobility is impossible between some municipalities within the territory. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de la Plata, Mozarabe, Augusta, del Sur
Source: Junta de Andalucia
November 23 2020
In Spain, the government requires every traveler coming from a Covid-risk area to present a negative PCR test as proof of health to enter in the country without restrictions. Risk areas are the one designed by the ECDC: UE/EEE areas that are color-coded red or gray; third countries that have an incidence above 150 for 10,000 people during the previous 14 days. Travel and transportation agencies must let you know of this new measure. The test must be done 72h prior of entry in Spain and proof can be asked at any moment. Warning: tests other than the PCR are not recognized as valid! Result paper must be original, in English and/or Spanish, in paper or digital format. The document must include the following information: name, ID number (if applicable, identical to the one used for the Spain Travel Health-SpTH form), date of test, identification and address of the analysis center, method used for the test and negative test result. Travelers who can’t provide a proof of negative PCR test, provide a non-approved one or who are suspected of having the virus are required to take a new test within 48h upon arrival in Spain. Measure announced on November 11, publish in the State official journal on November 12. This measure is applied in addition to other existing measures (see above for the situation in Spain)
Source: Spain official journal (measure, list of risk areas relevant on November 23)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon extends its lockdown for 10 days at least, starting at 11:59pm (December 3rd until 11:59pm). The region officially allows pilgrims to be on the Camino under the following condition: the ones who where in the region before October 30 can continue their Camino; the ones who would want to enter and walk through the region after October 30 will not be accepted (they would be considered as illegaly walking in Castilla and subject to sanctions!) but they can board a bus to Pedrafita do Cebreiro (Galicia) to go through the region. Applies to the Caminos Francés, Vasco, Viejo, Vadiniense, del Salvador, de Lana, de Madrid, Levante, de la Plata, Invierno, Sanabrés
Source: Junta de Castilla y Leon
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Catalunya, for 15 days at least (December 7). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; closure of bars and restaurants. Warning, mobility between municipalities is forbidden. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Catalan, de Girona, de Barcelona, de Tarragona, del Ebro
Source: Junta de Catalunya
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid modifies its restrictions. Lockdowns are limited to varous areas, including the municipality of Colmenar Viejo (Camino de Madrid), where the lockdown is extended for 7 days (November 30). Passage of pilgrims in the region is possible; same in the municipality of Madrid (only a few districts are affected by lockdowns); no info on possibility of passage through Colmenar Viejo. Airport and public transportation are accessible.
Sources: Official journal of the AC of Madrid / map of areas in lockdown (in Spanish)
November 21 2020
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Pais Vasco, for 20 days at least (December 10). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; local population confined to their own municipalities. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos del Norte, Vasco, Viejo
Source: Junta de Pais Vasco
November 20 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Valencia extends its lockdown from noon and for 20 days at least (December 9). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de Lana, Levante
Source: Junta de Valencia
November 19 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Navarra extends its lockdown for 1 month at least (December 18). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; bars and restaurants closed; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims are not allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Francés, Baztan, Aragonés, del Ebro
Source: Junta de Navarra
November 18 2020
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Cantabria for 14 days at least (December 1st). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions.Warning, mobility is impossible between some municipalities within the territory. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos del Norte, Viejo, Vadiniense
Source: Junta de Cantabria
In Spain, in Asturias, lockdowns are extended for 15 days at least (December 3rd) in the municipalities of Gijon and Avilés (Camino del Norte) and Oviedo (Camino Primitivo + del Salvador). All of Asturias is also in lockdown. Passage impossible for pilgrims
Source: Junta de Asturias
November 13 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Valencia extends its lockdown from noon and for 7 days at least (November 20). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de Lana, Levante
Source: Junta de Valencia
November 12 2020
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Catalunya, for 12 days at least (November 23). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; closure of bars and restaurants. Warning, mobility between municipalities is forbidden. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Catalan, de Girona, de Barcelona, de Tarragona, del Ebro
Source: Junta de Catalunya
In Portugal, the government extend the lockdowns to 77 other municipalities (191 in total) and lift it for 7 others.
Sources: France ambassy in Portugal / Expresso (map of relevant municipalities)
November 11 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia updates the list of provenances requiring travelers to register upon entry. Since July 28, Galicia enforces a new health measure upon people entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities (see below). For people arriving from any region of Spain (except Baleares, Canarias and Valancia) or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e), among which the Netherlands, France, Portugal, Ireland and the UK. This list is normally reevaluated every 15 days.
Source: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
In Spain, lockdown is lifted for the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Passage is possible for pilgrims on the Camino de Madrid. Warning, some areas remain in lockdown! (see November 30)
Source: Official journal of the Community of Madrid (in Spanish)
November 10 2020
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Andalucia for 14 days at least (November 23). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Warning, mobility is impossible between some municipalities within the territory. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de la Plata, Mozarabe, Augusta, del Sur
Source: Junta de Andalucia
November 9 2020
In Spain, the government officially extends the state of alarm on it territory until May 9 2021. A 10pm-6am curfew is in place, adaptable by +/- 1 hour by the regions. The power is given to the regions to limit fundamental freedoms (such as the right to gather or the right to mobility: confinements, drastic limitation of private gatherings) without going through the judicial system.
Source: Official journal of the State of Spain
In Portugal, the government declared the state of emergency for at least 15 days (November 23) and specifies the lockdown measures in place in the 121 municipalities in lockdown, including a ban on mobility from 11pm-5am during the week and from 1pm-5am on Saturdays and Sundays, emergencies excepted
Sources: French ambassy in Portugal (detail of the measures, in French) / RTP noticias (map of the municipalities in lockdown)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon extends its lockdown for 14 days at least, starting at 2pm (November 23 until 11:59pm). The region officially allows pilgrims to be on the Camino under the following condition: the ones who where in the region before October 30 can continue their Camino; the ones who would want to enter and walk through the region after October 30 will not be accepted (they would be considered as illegaly walking in Castilla and subject to sanctions!) but they can board a bus to Pedrafita do Cebreiro (Galicia) to go through the region. Applies to the Caminos Francés, Vasco, Viejo, Vadiniense, del Salvador, de Lana, de Madrid, Levante, de la Plata, Invierno, Sanabrés
Source: Junta de Castilla y Leon (ordre de confinement) / clarifying pilgrims’ situation (communiqué)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid modifies its restrictions. Lockdowns are limited to varous areas, including the municipality of Colmenar Viejo (Camino de Madrid), where the lockdown is extended for 14 days (November 23). Passage of pilgrims in the region is possible; same in the municipality of Madrid (only a few districts are affected by lockdowns); no info on possibility of passage through Colmenar Viejo. Airport and public transportation are accessible.
Sources: Official journal of the AC of Madrid / map of areas in lockdown (in Spanish)
November 8 2020
In Spain, in Asturias, lockdowns are extended for 10 days at least (November 18) in the municipalities of Gijon and Avilés (Camino del Norte) and Oviedo (Camino Primitivo + del Salvador). All of Asturias is also in lockdown. No information available regarding passage for pilgrims
Source: Junta de Asturias
November 7 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia reevaluates the measure it enforces on its territory. Some municipalities are in until December 4 at 3pm at least; the list is updated regularly. The bill enforcing the measure forbids entries and exits but allows transit; catering services are closed. Pilgrims on the Camino before October 30 are allowed to transit the areas in lockdown; in the case of Santiago, to enter the city and stop there.
Sources: La Voz de Galicia (map and review of the measures) / Official journal of Galicia (bill enforcing the measure and decree on details)
In Spain, lockdown is extended for the Autonomous Community of Pais Vasco, for 15 days at least (November 21). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; local population confined to their own municipalities. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos del Norte, Vasco, Viejo
Source: Junta del Pais Vasco
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid is in lockdown until November 10 included. No information available regarding passage for pilgrims on the Camino de Madrid
Source: Official journal of the Community of Madrid (in Spanish)
November 6 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Aragon is in lockdown for 25 days at least (November 30). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; lockdown is maintained in the provinces and cities of Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Aragonés, del Ebro, Sagunto
Source: Junta de Aragon
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Valencia extends its lockdown from noon and for 7 days at least (November 13). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de Lana, Levante
Source: Junta de Valencia
November 5 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Navarra extends its lockdown for 14 days at least (November 18). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; bars and restaurants closed; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims are not allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Francés, Baztan, Aragonés, del Ebro
Sources: Official journal of Navarra: bill / reference bill: October 27
November 4 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Cantabria is in lockdown for 10 days at least. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions.Warning, mobility is impossible between some municipalities within the territory. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos del Norte, Viejo, Vadiniense
Source: Junta de Cantabria
In Portugal, restrictive measures reevaluated by the government on October 31 come into effect. The territory is maintained under a state of calamity. Also, 121 municipalities are in lockdown, some of them on the Caminhos. No info on the possibility of passage for pilgrims
Sources: French ambassy in Portugal (detail of the measures, in French) / RTP noticias (map of the municipalities in lockdown)
November 3rd 2020
In Spain, lockdown is lifted for the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Passage is possible for pilgrims on the Camino de Madrid. Warning, some areas remain in lockdown! (see October 26)
Source: Official journal of the Community of Madrid (in Spanish)
October 31 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of La Rioja extends its lockdown for 10 days at least (November 9) for 1 month at least (November 29)(following the extention of the national state of alarm, as stated in the article 3 of the decree). Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; bars and restaurants closed; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Francés, del Ebro, Interior-Vasco-Via bayona
Source: Junta de La Rioja
In Spain, the municipality of Logroño (La Rioja) is in lockdown for at least 1 month. Accommodations are closed. All of La Rioja is also in lockdown. No passage for pilgirms on the Camino Francés, del Ebro and Vasco
Source: Heraldo (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Cantabria is in lockdown for 10 days at least. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos del Norte, Viejo, Vadiniense
Source: Official journal of Cantabria (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Andalucia is in lockdown for 10 days at least. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Warning, mobility is impossible between some municipalities within the territory. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de la Plata, Mozarabe, Augusta, del Sur
Source: Official journal of Andalucia (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Castilla La Mancha is in lockdown as long as the the state of alarm is ongoing. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de Lana, Levante
Source: Official journal of Castilla-La Mancha (in Spanish)
October 30 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia puts the following municipalities: Ames, Teo, Ferrol, Narron, Neda, Fene, A Coruña, Lugo, Vigo et Pontevedra. Transit is possible for pilgrims who started their Caminos before October 30 (pilgrim’s passport as proof). Warning: stop, meals and accommodation impossible! Affects the Caminos Francés, Inglés, Primitivo, Portugués, a Fisterra/Muxia. Moreover, the municipality of Santiago de Compostela is also in lockdown for the same period of time. Pilgrims who started their Camino before October 30 (pilgrim’s passport as proof) can enter the city, get their Compostela and sleep there. Pilgrims who started their Camino after October 30 will not be granted entry in the city. Beyond those measures, the Caminos in Galicia are accessible.
Sources: Official journal of Galicia (lockdown order) / Europa Press (clarification of the pilgrims’ situation on the Caminos)(in Spanish)
In Portugal, mobility is impossible from one municipality to another, until November 3rd. Some sources say pilgrims are not affected by this measure (not verified)
Source: Publico (in Portuguese)
In France, the government enforces a national lockdown for 4 weeks at least. Essential mobility only; mobility also forbidden between regions. Mandatory authorization form for essential trips (see below)
Sources: Service public (detail of the measure) / Ministère de l’intérieur (from)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon is in lockdown for 14 days at least, starting at 2pm. The region officially allows pilgrims to be on the Camino under the following condition: the ones who where in the region before October 30 can continue their Camino; the ones who would want to enter and wlak through the region after October 30 will not be accepted (they would be considered as illegaly walking in Castilla and subject to sanctions!) but they can board a bus to Pedrafita do Cebreiro (Galicia) to go through the region. Applies to the Caminos Francés, Vasco, Viejo, Vadiniense, del Salvador, de Lana, de Madrid, Levante, de la Plata, Invierno, Sanabrés
Source: Junta de Castilla y Leon: lockdown order (official journal) / clarification of the pilgrims’ situation on Caminos (communiqué)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid is in lockdown until November 3rd. No information available regarding passage for pilgrims on the Camino de Madrid
Source: Official journal of the Community of Madrid (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Valencia is in lockdown for 7 days at least. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos de Lana, Levante
Source: Official journal of Valencia (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Catalunya is in lockdown for 15 days at least. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; closure of bars and restaurants. Warning, mobility between municipalities is forbidden. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Caminos Catalan, de Girona, de Barcelona, de Tarragona, del Ebro
Source: Official journal of Catalunya (in Spanish)
October 29 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Asturias is in lockdown without an end date. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; lockdown is maintained in Gijon, Oviedo and Avilés. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Camino del Norte (Unquera-Santiago de Abres), Camino Primitivo (Oviedo-El Acebo), Camino del Salvador (Arbas del Puerto-Oviedo)
Source: Official journal of Asturias (in Spanish)
October 28 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Aragon is in lockdown for 14 days at least. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; lockdown is maintained in Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Camino Aragonés (border-Sangüesa), Camino del Ebro (Batea-Cortes), Camino Sagunto
Source: Official journal of Aragon (in Spanish)
October 27 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Pais Vasco is in lockdown for 15 days at least. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; strict social restrictions; local population confined to their own municipalities. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Camino del Norte (border-Onton), Camino Vasco (Irun-Villanueva de la Oca), Camino Viejo (Bilbao-Santecilla; Ziordia-Bayas)
Source: Official journal of Pais Vasco (in Spanish)
October 26 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Madrid modifies its restrictions. Lockdowns are limited to 32 areas, including the municipality of Colmenar Viejo (Camino de Madrid), where the lockdown is extended for 14 days. Passage of pilgrims in the region is possible; same in the municipality of Madrid (only a few districts are affected by lockdowns); no info on possibility of passage through Colmenar Viejo. Airport and public transportation are accessible.
Sources: Official journal of the AC of Madrid / map of areas in lockdown (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Aragon declares a level 3 state of sanitay alarm. Stricter social restrictions are inforced.
Source: Official journal of Aragon (in Spanish)
In Spain, the municipalities of Granada, Atarfe and Pinos Puente (Andalucia) are in lockdown. No information available regarding passage for pilgrims on the Camino Mozarabe
Source: Official journal of Andalucia (in Spanish)
In Spain, in consequence of the lifting of the lockdowns in Leon and Burgos, the Bus Peregrino I and II are cancelled. Pilgrims can now walk through the cities and stop for the night.
Source: AMCS (in Spanish)
October 25 2020
In Spain, the government enforces the state of alarm throughout the country for 14 days, renewable. A 10pm-6am curfew is in place, adaptable by +/- 1 hour by the regions. The power is given to the regions to limit fundamental freedoms (such as the right to gather or the right to mobility: confinements, drastic limitation of private gatherings) without going through the judicial system. The government has already announced its will to extend the state of alarm until May 9 2021.
Source: Official journal of Spain (in Spanish)
In Spain, in Asturias, the municipalities of Gijon and Avilés (Camino del Norte) and Oviedo (Camino Primitivo + del Salvador) are in lockdown. No information available regarding passage for pilgrims
Source: Official journal of Asturias (in Spanish
In France, the pilgrim office in Saint Jean Pied de Port closes at 9pm. A hotline is available; no specific reopening date (suggested in March 2021)
Source: Facebook page of the office (in French)
October 24 2020
In France, a 9pm-6am curfew is enforced in 54 regions. Mandatory dispensation form for essential trops within these hours (see below)
Source: French Ministry of the Interior: map of affected areas and for the form (to fill up online or to download)(in French, form in English)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of La Rioja is in lockdown for 14 days at least. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; bars and restaurants closed; strict social restrictions. Pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Camino Francés (Logroño-Redecilla del Camino); Camino del Ebro (Castejón-Logroño); Camino Interior-Vasco-Via bayona (Salinillas de Buradón-Santo Domingo de la Calzada)
Source: Official journa of La Rioja (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon changes its strategy to manage the virus crisis. A curfew is enforced from midnight to 6am upon the whole territory. Ongoing lockdowns are lifted: the municipalities of les municipalités de Burgos, Leon, Ponferrada, Salamanca, Miranda del Ebro are not in lockdown anymore. Passage of pilgrims is possible in these cities again, as well as stopping to spend the night.
Source: Official journal of Castilla y Leon (in Spanish)
In Spain, the municipality of Ponferrada (Castilla y Leon) is in lockdown. Passage of pilgrims possible. Order of lockdown cancelled (see above)
Source: ABC (in Spanish)
October 23 2020
In Spain, the municipalities of Gijon and Avilés (Asturias, Camino del Norte) and Oviedo (Asturias, Camino Primitivo) are in lockdown. No information available regarding passage for pilgrims
Source: RTPA (in Spanish)
October 22 2020
The European Council updates and releases recommendations on reopening the EU external borders. Restrictions are lifted for countries: that have a global heath situation similar or better than the EU’s; a number of cases stable or decreasing over the last 15 days; a crisis management that is considered trustworthy and efficient. The following countries are thus suggested to be granted entry in the EU*: Australia, Japan, New-Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, South Corea, Thailand, Uruguay, China (if reciprocity).
Warning! Each state is free to maintain entry restriction to the countries mentioned in the list. Each state is also free to design its own entry conditions and/or complementary restrictions. See above for list of countries allowed respectively by Spain, France and Portugal
*Residents of the countries that are not mentioned are still denied entry in the UE
Source: European Council
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Navarra is in lockdown for 14 days at least. Entry and exit impossible unless essential reason; bars and restaurants closed; strict social restrictions. Details still to come but it seems pilgrims will not be allowed on several itineraries: Camino Francés (border-Logroño); Camino Baztan (border-Pamplona); Camino Aragonés (Sangüesa-Puente la Reina); Camino del Ebro (concretely, between Mallén and Alcanadre)
Source: Official journal of Navarra (in Spanish)
In Spain the Autonomous Community of Pais Vasco reinforces social restrictions, particularly strict in some municipalities that are considered more at risk, some located on the Camino del Norte. No lockdown.
Sources: Official journal of Pais Vasco (general measures) likewise (zones at risk) (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia reinforces existing restrictions. Gathering are limited to 5 people in the whole region, except in Santiago and Milladoiro where only people living together can gather
Source: Official journal of Galicia (regional measures) / Official journal of Galicia (measures in Santiago and Milladoiro) (in Spanish)
In Spain, the municipalites of Vilardevos and Verin (Galicia) are in lockdown. Details to come, no information available regarding passage for pilgrims. The 2 municiplities are on the Verin variant of the Camino Sanabrés: simply prefer to follow the Laza variant
Source: Official journal of Galicia (in Spanish)
In Spain, lockdown is extended in the municipality of Ourense (Galicia). Passage is possible for pilgrims on the Camino Sanabrés but they can neither stop or spend the night in the city
Source: Official journal of Galicia (in Spanish)
In Spain, the municipality of Zaragoza (Aragon) is in lockdown. Details to come, no information available regarding passage for pilgrims.
Source: Heraldo (in Spanish)
In Spain, the municipality of Huesca (Aragon) is in lockdown. Details to come, no information available regarding passage for pilgrims.
Source: Heraldo (in Spanish)
October 21 2020
In Spain, the city of Burgos (Castilla y Leon) is in lockdown (mobility restriction and “perimetral closure”), for at least 14 days. Passage is possible for pilgrims on the Camino Sanabrés but but they can neither stop or spend the night in the city. Pilgrims can transit with the Bus Peregrino II (see below)
Source: Official journal of Castilla y Leon (in Spanish)
In Spain, the AMCS and the Junta de Castilla y Leon make it easy for pilgrims on the Camino Francés to transit through Burgos, thanks to the « Bus Peregrino II ». Available for free for pilgrims with credentials. Departure every morning at 9:30am from the bus station in Atapuerca. Arrival in Tardajos, on the other side of Burgos.
Source: AMCS (in Spanish)
In Spain, lockdown is extended in the municipality of Leon (Castila y Leon) for 14 days at least. Passage is possible for pilgrims on the Camino Sanabrés but they can neither stop or spend the night in the city. Pilgrims can transit with the Bus Peregrino (see October 9)
Source: Official journal of Castilla y Leon (in Spanish)
In Spain, the municipality of Medina del Campo (Castilla y Leon) extends the strict social restrictions enforced on October 14, for 7 days at least. No lockdown. Passage is in theory impossible for pilgrims on the Camino Levante
Source: Official journal of Castilla y Leon (in Spanish)
October 20 2020
In Spain, the city of Almendralejo (Extremadura) is in lockdown. Announced on October 20, details to come. the city is off-Camino on the Via de la Plata, usefull to do groceries or take a break: just avoid it this time…
Source: RTVE (in Spanish)
October 19 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Aragon enforces a level 2 state of health alarm. Stricter restrictions are effective (gathering limited to 6 people; 50% occupation and closure at 11pm of public places)
Source: Bulletin officiel d’Aragon (in Spanish)
October 17 2020
In Spain, the city of Salamanca (Castilla y Leon) is in lockdown (mobility restriction and “perimetral closure”), for at least 14 days. Passage is possible for pilgrims on the Camino Sanabrés but but they can neither stop or spend the night in the city
Source: Official journal of Castilla y Leon (in Spanish)
October 16 2020
In France, the health emergency state is declared. Gatherings are limited to 6 people
Also, a curfew is enforced from 9pm to 6am, for at least 4 weeks in Île-de-France* (Paris and region) and in the cities of Grenoble, Lille, Lyon*, Aix* Marseille, Saint-Étienne, Rouen, Montpellier* et Toulouse* (cities marked with a * are located on a Camino itinerary)
Source: Service Public (in French)
October 15 2020
In Portugal, gradual de-escalation measures are continued until October 30. Measures implemented since September 14 are slightly released. All of continental Portugal is now in a state of calamity.
Source: French ambassy in Portugal (in French)
In Spain the Autonomous Community of Asturias goes back to an “adapted phase 2”, for 15 renewable days. Stricter social restrictions are enforced; locals are invited to self-isolate (no official lockdown measure)
Source: Astursalud (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia updates the list of provenances requiring travelers to register upon entry. Since July 28, Galicia enforces a new health measure upon people entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities (see below). For people arriving from Aragón, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Cataluña, Ceuta, Madrid (region), Melilla, Murcia, Navarra, País Vasco and La Rioja or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e), among which the Netherlands, Iceland and the UK. This list is normally reevaluated every 15 days.
Source: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
October 14 2020
In Spain, lockdown is extended in the municipality of Ourense (Galicia) for 7 days. Passage is possible for pilgrims on the Camino Sanabrés but they can neither stop or spend the night in the city
Source: Official journal of Galicia (in Spanish)
In Spain, lockdown is lifted in the municipality of Medina del Campo (Castilla y Leon) but strict social restrictions remain in place. Passage is in theory mpossible for pilgrims on the Camino Levante
Source: El Diario (in Spanish)
October 11 2020
In Spain the Autonomous Community of Navarra enforces new social restrictions, for 14 renewable days. No lockdown
Source: La Vanguardia (in Spanish)
In Spain, lockdown is extended in the municipality of Miranda de Ebro (Castilla y Leon) for 14 days (=until October 24). Passage is in theory impossible for pilgrims on the Camino Interior/Vasco/Via Bayona
Source: Noticias de Castilla y Leon, Burgos (in Spanish)
October 9 2020
In Spain, the AMCS and the Junta de Castilla y Leon make it easy for pilgrims on the Camino Francés to transit through Leon, thanks to the « Bus Peregrino ». Available for free for pilgrims with credentials. Departure every morning at 9am from the bus station in Mansilla de las Mulas. Arrival at La Virgen del Camino, on the other side of Leon.
Source: Leon Noticias (in Spanish)
In Spain, alert state is declared in the region of Madrid for 15 days
Source: El Pais (in Spanish)
October 8 2020
In Spain, the city of Ourense (Galicia) is in lockdown (mobility restriction and “perimetral closure”), for at least 7 days. Passage is possible for pilgrims on the Camino Sanabrés but but they can neither stop or spend the night in the city
Source: Official journal of Galicia (in Spanish)
October 6 2020
In Spain, the city of Leon is in lockdown (mobility restriction and “perimetral closure”), for at least 14 days. Passage is possible for pilgrims on the Camino Francés under conditions no stop nor stay is allowed in the city, entry and exit must be done within the day. Pilgrims can transit with the Bus Peregrino (see October 9)
Source: Official journal of Castilla y Leon (in Spanish)
October 2nd 2020
In Spain, Madrid (city) and 9 municipalities of the regions are in lockdown (starting at 10pm). The airport is not affected; detail below
Source: The Local
October 1st 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia updates the list of provenances requiring travelers to register upon entry. Since July 28, Galicia enforces a new health measure upon people entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities (see below). For people arriving from Aragon, Castille-La Mancha, Castille y Leon, Exremadura, Madrid (region), Melilla, Murcia, Navarra, Pais Vasco, La Rioja or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e). This list is normally reevaluated every 15 days.
Source: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
In Spain, the municipalities of Rincon de Soto and Calahorra (la Rioja) are in lockdown. Passage is in theory impossible for pilgrims on the Camino del Ebro
Source: La Rioja (in Spanish)
September 30 2020
In Spain, the municipality of Medina del Campo (Castilla y Leon) is in lockdown until October 13, renewable. Passage is in theory impossible for pilgrims on the Camino Levante
Source: ABC España Castilla y Leon (in Spanish)
September 28 2020
In Spain, the region of Madrid extends the differenciated restriction enforced since September 21. 45 districts are in lockdown
Source: Le petit journal de Madrid (general information in French), Community of Madrid (map of restrictions and areas in lockdown)
September 27 2020
In Spain, the municipality of Miranda de Ebro (Castilla y Leon) is in lockdown for 14 renewable days. Passage is in theory impossible for pilgrims on the Camino Interior/Vasco/Via Bayona
Source: ABC Espana (in Spanish)
Septembre 23 2020
In France, the government divides the country into alert zones, according to each region. Different measures apply depending of the zone. Detail below
Sources: Service public (details on restrictions) / Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé (updated map)(both in French)
September 21 2020
In Spain, the region of Madrid enforces differenciated restriction in the capital and some municipalities. 37 districts are in lockdown.
Source: Le petit journal de Madrid (general information, in French), Community of Madrid (map of restrictions and areas in lockdown)
September 16 2020
In Spain, lockdown is lifted in the municipality of Santoña (Cantabria). Pilgrims on the Camino del Norte can walk through
Source: Ifomo (in Spanish)
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia updates the list of provenances requiring travelers to register upon entry. Since July 28, Galicia enforces a new health measure upon people entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities (see below). For people arriving from Aragon, Cantabria, Castille-La Mancha, Castille y Leon, Madrid (region), Melilla, Murcia, Navarra, Pais Vasco, La Rioja or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e). This list is normally reevaluated every 15 days.
Source: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
September 15 2020
In Portugal, gradual de-escalation measures are continued until October 14. Measures implemented since August 14 are strengthened. All of continental Portugal is now in a state of contingency.
Source: French ambassy in Portugal (in French)
In Spain, lockdown is lifted in the municipality of Alfaro (La Rioja). Pilgrims on the Camino del Ebro and Catalan can walk through
Source: Nuevecuatrouno (in Spanish)
September 8 2020
In Spain, the municipality of Alfaro (La Rioja) is in lockdown for 7 days. Entry and stay within its limits are impossible without essential reasons. Impacts the Camino del Ebro and Catalan.
Source: La Vangardia (in Spanish)
September 4 2020
The European Commission votes a proposal to coordonate and clarify measures taken by Member States, including movement within the EU. Adoption of a color code: green, orange, red, grey. Details below.
Source: European Commission
September 3 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia updates the list of provenances requiring travelers to register upon entry. Since July 28, Galicia enforces a new health measure upon people entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities (see below). For people arriving from Aragon, Balearic islands, Castilla y Leon, La Rioja, Navarra, Pais Vasco, Madrid region or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e). This list is normally reevaluated every 15 days.
Sources: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
September 2 2020
In Spain, La Rioja enforces new restrictions. Including: touristic accommodation are reduced to 40% of normal capacity, ban on accommodating people from different homes in the same room. Put simply, less beds available!
Source: Official journal of La Rioja (in Spanish)
In Spain, the municipality of Santoña (Cantabria) is in lockdown for 14 days. Entry and stay within its limits are impossible without essential reasons. Impacts the Camino del Norte.
Source: 20 Minutos (in Spanish)
September 1st 2020
In Portugal, differentiated de-escalation measures are renewed until September 14th. The measures implemented on until August 14 continue to apply. Continental Portugal is in a state of emergency, the region of Lisbon and Tage Valley (including all of Lisbon Metropolitan Area) is in a state of contingency.
Source: France embassy in Portugal (in French)
August 24 2020
In Spain, the government announces new measures giving more power to the regions against the coronavirus. Military personnel is made available; an app is created to follow up cases. The government reminds the regions they have the power to decide for themselves if they want to enforce an emergency state within their borders or not.
Source: Euractiv
August 19 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia updates the list of provenances requiring travelers to register upon entry. Since July 28, Galicia enforces a new health measure upon people entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities (see below). For people arriving from Aragon, Navarra, Pais Vasco, Madrid region or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e). This list is normally reevaluated every 15 days.
Source: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
August 16 2020
In Spain, the Basque Country reinstates the state of emergency. No lockdown but stricter health measures. Such as: closure of bars, limitation of opening hours of restaurants.
Source: El Pais (in Spanish)
August 15 2020
In Portugal, differentiated de-escalation measures are renewed until August 31st. The measures implemented on until August 14 continue to apply. Continental Portugal is in a state of emergency, the region of Lisbon and Tage Valley (including all of Lisbon Metropolitan Area) is in a state of contingency.
Source: Ambassade du Portugal (in French)
August 14 2020
Spain bans smocking in public places if social distancing can’t apply.
Source: El Mundo (in Spanish)
August 12 2020
In Spain, Galicia bans smocking in public places if social distancing can’t apply.
Source: Galician Official Bulletin (in Spanish)
August 8 2020
The European Council updates and releases recommendations on reopening the EU external borders. Restrictions are lifted for countries: that have a global heath situation similar or better than the EU’s; a number of cases stable or decreasing over the last 15 days; a crisis management that is considered trustworthy and efficient. The following countries are thus suggested to be granted entry in the EU* (subject to confirmation of reciprocity): Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and China. Recommendations are reevaluated every 15 days.
*Residents of the countries that are not mentioned are still denied entry in the UE
Source: European Council
August 5 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia updates the list of provenances requiring travelers to register upon entry. Since July 28, Galicia enforces a new health measure upon people entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities (see below). For people arriving from Aragon, Catalonia, Navarra, Pais Vasco, Madrid region or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e). The new list now excludes La Rioja and Portugal. This list is normally reevaluated every 15 days.
Source: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
August 1st 2020
In Portugal, differentiated de-escalation measures are renewed and updated. The new measures are in effect until August 14. Continental Portugal is in a state of emergency, the region of Lisbon and Tage Valley (including all of Lisbon Metropolitan Area) is in a state of contingency.
Source: French ambassy in Portugal (in French)
July 30 2020
The European Council updates and releases recommendations on reopening the EU external borders. Restrictions are lifted for countries: that have a global heath situation similar or better than the EU’s; a number of cases stable or decreasing over the last 15 days; a crisis management that is considered trustworthy and efficient. The following countries are thus suggested to be granted entry in the EU* (subject to confirmation of reciprocity): Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and China. Recommendations are reevaluated every 15 days.
*Residents of the countries that are not mentioned are still denied entry in the UE
Source: European Council
In Spain, lockdown is lifted in the comarca of Segria (Lleida province, Catalonia). Restrictions are still enforced.
Souce: Euro Weekly News
July 28 2020
In Spain, the Autonomous Community of Galicia enforces a new health measure upon any person entering its territory. Within 24h upon arrival, mandatory registration and submission of personal information to the local health authorities. For people arriving from Aragon, Catalonia, Navarra, Pais Vasco, La Rioja or one of the areas designated by decree (see list in the sources below; “Resuelvo Primero” points a, b, c, d, e) This list is reevaluated every 15 days.
Source: Official Journal of Galicia (decree itself / decree listing the areas that are concerned by the measure)(in Spanish)
July 23 2020
In Spain, lockdown is lifted in Burela. Free circulation is now possible throughout all of the comarca of A Mariña. Pilgrims could already walk through the comarca since July 15.
Source: ABC Galicia (in Spanish)
July 16 2020
The European Council updates and releases recommendations on reopening the EU external borders. Restrictions are lifted for countries: that have a global heath situation similar or better than the EU’s; a number of cases stable or decreasing over the last 15 days; a crisis management that is considered trustworthy and efficient. The following countries are thus suggested to be granted entry in the EU*: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and (subject to confirmation of reciprocity) China. Recommendations are reevaluated every 15 days.
*Residents of the countries that are not mentioned are still denied entry in the UE
Source: European Council
July 15 2020
In Spain, lockdown is lifted for the comarca of A Mariña, except for the municipality of Burela. Pilgrims on the Camino del Norte can now walk through the area.
Source: El Correo Gallego and Camino de Santiago Galicia (in Spanish)
At the same time and after some twists, lockdown is extended in the comarca of Segria (Lleida province, Catalonia) for 15 days. It is impossible for pilgrims on the Caminos Catalan to walk and stay within the area.
Source: El Pais (in Spanish)
July 11 2020
In metropolitan France, the state of health emergency is lifted.
Source: The Connexion
July 10 2020
In Spain, lockdown is lifted for half of the municipalities of the A Mariña comarca. The other half are still in lockdown.
Source: La Vanguardia
July 6 2020
In Spain, the comarca of A Mariña (Lugo province, Galicia) reinstates local lockdown for at least 5 days (until July 10 included). It is impossible for pilgrims on the Camino del Norte to walk and stay within the area.
*Since July 10, only half of the municipalities are still in lockdown.
Sources: BBC / Camino de Santiago (in Spanish)
July 4 2020
In Spain, the comarca of Segria (Lleida province, Catalonia) reinstates local lockdown for 15 days maximum. It is impossible for pilgrims on the Caminos Catalan to walk and stay within the area.
Source: ABC Cataluña (in Spanish)
Spain reopens its borders to non-UE tourists, based on the recommendation list issued by the European Council.
The following countries are allowed entry: Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay. Algeria and Morocco are still excluded form entry, despite their presence on the list. Residents of any other country not mentioned are also still forbidden to enter Spain.
Source: Schengen Visa Info
July 1st 2020
Spain and Portugal reopen their shared border
Source: Schengen Visa Info
Spain instates a mandatory individual health control form for any non-Spanish resident entering Spain (Download document via the link below)
Source: Gobierno de Espana
Portugal instates the differentiated de-escalation measures presented on June 25 (to last until July 14). Continental Portugal is in a state of emergency, Lisbon Metropolitan Area is in a state of contingency, 19 districts of Lisbon are in a state of calamity and in lockdown again.
Source: differentiated de-escalation plan (French ambassy in Portugal, in French)
At the same time, Portugal reopens its borders to non-EU tourists, based on the recommendation list issued by the European council. Only a handful of the countries mentioned on the list are allowed entry in Portugal, through direct flights: Algeria, Canada, Morocco, South Corea, Tunisia and China (each under condition of reciprocity agreements). Residents of countries not mentioned above are still denied entry in Portugal.
Source: entry in Portugal (Portugal diplomatic page, in Portuguese)
France reopen its borders to non-EU tourists, based on the recommendation list issued by the European council.
The following countries are allowed entry in France: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay. Resident of countried not mentioned above are still denied entry in France.
Source: Explore France
Reopening of the cathedral and the pilgrim’s office in Santiago, as well as of public albergues in Galicia
*Since that date, some albergues have been forced to close again because of the recent outbreaks in Galicia
Source: El Correo Gallego (in Spanish)
June 30 2020
The European Council releases recommendations on reopening the EU external borders. Restrictions are lifted for countries: that have a global heath situation similar or better than the EU’s; a number of cases stable or decreasing over the last 15 days; a crisis management that is considered trustworthy and efficient. The following countries are thus suggested to be granted entry in the EU: Algeria, Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, Montenegro, Morocco, New Zealand, Rwanda, Serbia, South Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay and (subject to confirmation of reciprocity) China. Recommendations will be reevaluated every 15 days.
**China has not reopened its borders since the recommendation was issued: Chinese residents are still denied entry in the EU
Source: Council of the European Union
June 29 2020
Reopening of the pilgrim’s office in Saint Jean Pied de Port
Source: Accueil des amis du chemin de St Jacques (June 5 post, in French) and a comment from the president of the association on the French post: 100% official source! 🙂
June 25 2020
Portugal presents a differentiated de-descalation plan that will take effect from July 1st to July 14
Source: Le Petit Journal de Lisbonne (in French)
June 23 2020
In Spain, some localities in Huesca province, Aragon, are back to the 2nd stage of the deescalation plan. The Spanish government would eventually consider to reinstate a mandatory lockdown if the national sanitary status requires it.
Source: The Olive Press
In Portugal, the city of Lisbon reinstates restrictive measure to hold back coronavirus recurrence.
Source: The Telegraph
June 21 2020
France moves on to stage 3 of its deconfinement procedure.
Source: Forbes
Spain terminates the state of alarm. The whole country is in stage 4 of the deescalation procedure (return to normality). Madrid finished its deescalation slower than the rest of the country. The borders with France are opened; residents from the EU/Schengen area are welcome again, without quarantine. The border with Portugal remains closed (until July 1st). Non-UE citizens are still not be allowed in (gradual re-opening from July 1st, official list still pending).
Sources: El Pais: return to normality / opening the borders
June 15 2020
France continues deconfinement procedure in stage 2. Mainland France is completely in green zone. The country reopens its borders with UE/Schengen area countries, with a principle of reciprocity. Passage between France and its neighboring countries is free again, except for Spain (tourism forbidden until June 21). Check out other UE/Schengen area countries for specificities. Non-UE/Schengen area citizens still not allowed in.
Source: Re-open Europe
June 14 2020
Spain continues its deescalation procedure. Most of the country is in stage 3, some provinces remain in stage 2. Galicia is the only region that is in stage 4, or “new normality”. Borders remain closed (until June 21 for the France-Spain border; until July 1st for the Portugal-Spain border and for non-EU/Schengen area citizens)
Source: Spain in English
Portugal ends it deconfinement process. Borders with Spain remain closed (until July 1st): entry in Portugal by land is impossible for tourists. Airways are the only entry option from the UE/Schengen area/handful of authorized countries (the UK, Venezuela, the USA, Canada, South Africa and Brazil and CPLP). Mobility within the country is normal again
Source: Re-open Europa
June 2nd 2020
France starts the 2nd stage of its deconfinement procedure. End of many restrictions regarding mobility and the opening of public places. The country is still divided in green and orange areas (where particular measures are maintained) Borders remain closed.
Source: France 24
June 1st 2020
Spain continues its deescalation procedure. Most of the country enters the 2nd stage, or are maintained in stage 1
Source: El Pais
Portugal starts the 3rd stage of its deconfinement procedure, planned to last form June 1st to 14. More severe restrictions are still in place in the Lisbon metropolitan area.
Source: Portugal Resident
May 20 2020
In France, the association Sur les Pas de Saint Jacques, working with a group of accommodation hosts, release a guide dedicated to help accommodation along the Caminos to establish health protocols
Source: ACIR (in French)
18 mai 2020
Portugal starts the 2nd stage of its deconfinement protocol, planned from June 18-31.
Source: Portugal News
May 11 2020
France begins stage 1 of its deconfinement procedure. The country is divided in green (end of lockdown) and orange (end of lockdown with still strict restrictions) areas.
Source: Reuters
Spain continues its deescalation procedure. Half of the country remains in stage 0, the other half starts stage 1.
Source: El Pais
May 4 2020
In Spain, start of the deescalation procedure. 4 stages will allow, under conditions, to restart activities gradually and end restrictions.
Source: Time Out
Portugal begins its 3-stages procedure to ease its lockdown. Stage 1 is planned June 4-17.
Source: France 24
In Spain, the Municipal Association of the Camino de Santiago (AMCS) publishes a document explaining health protcocols and standards to apply in accommodations as the Camino reopens. It adapts the OMS health recommendations. Work in collaboration with the International Fraternity of the Camino de Santiago (FICS) and the association of the traditional albergues in Castilla y Leon.
Source: AMCS (notice Protocolo Albergues de Peregrinos, in Spanish), Pèlerins de Compostelle (summary in French, easier and faster to translate)
May 2nd 2020
Portugal revoke the state of emergency. The country is now in a “state of calamity”. Planned to last until June 28.
Source: The Portugal News
April 24 2020
Portugal launches a health protocol for the tourism industry, and its label: “Clean & Safe”
Source: “Clean & Safe” official page
April 17 2020
Portugal renews the state of emergency, planned to last until May 2nd
Source: Reuters
April 15 2020
The European Commission votes and delivers directives to member states to fight and overcome the coronavirus. It recommends control over the epidemic, sufficient heath care and stronger oversight of the global health situation in each country.
Source: European Parliament
April 13 2020
France extends its lockdown until May 11.
Source: The Guardian
April 2nd 2020
Portugal extend the state of emergency, planned until April 17.
Source: Reuters
March 28 2020
Spain strengthens lockdown measures by stopping more non-essential economical activities.
Source: El Pais
March 27 2020
France extends lockdown until April 15 at least.
Source: Reuters
March 23 2020
France strengthens its lockdown.
Source: RFI
Section of French Le Puy Camino in Aveyron, central France, is officially closed to the public until March 31st (from Saint Chély d’Aubrac to Livinhac le Haut)
Source: Préfecture de l’Aveyron (in French)
March 19 2020
Portugal declares the state of emergency, for 15 days initially. Mobility within the country is reduced
Source: The Portugal News
March 17 2020
France closes its borders.
Source: France 24
The UE closes its external borders for at least 30 days. Until July 1st
Source: Euronews
March 16 2020
Spain closes its borders. Until June 21st (France-Spain) and July 1st (Portugal-Spain)
Source: El Mundo (in Spanish)
France officially enforces a mandatory national lockdown for 15 days at least. Non-essential activities are banned, borders are closed
Source: France 24
March 14 2020
France enters stage 3 of ORSAN REB plan. It should help reduce the effect of the epidemic wave. All non-essential public places are closed down.
Source: Euractiv
Spain officially enforces a mandatory national lockdown. Mobility is restrained, non-essential public places are closed down.
Source: The Guardian
March 13 2020
Spain declares the state of alarm for at least 15 days (extended several time, on going at the time until June 21)
Source: El Pais
The Spanish Caminos and related infrastructures are closed down to the public. Local Camino associations announce the closures of their albergues all across the country
Selection of sources: FICS, Caminos de Galice , Albergue de Roncesvalles (in Spanish, March 13 post)
The cathedral of Santiago de Compostela is closed to the public. So goes for the pilgrim’s office: pilgrims are to leave their passport in a mail box, that will be sent back to them along with their Compostela.
Source: El Espanol (in Spanish), Pilgrim office
The International Fraternity of the Camino de Snatiago (FICS) publishes a notice addressed to pilgrims, hosts and Camino representatives. It advises people not to come on the Spanish Caminos and cancels volunteers engagements.
Source: FICS (March 12 and 13 posts)
Portugal declares the sate of emergency until April 14 at least. Borders with Spain are closed.
Source: The Portugal News
March 11 2020
The OMS classifies the coronavirus as a pandemic because of the alarming propagation of the coronavirus, its severity and the lack of reaction from the authorities.
Source: OMS
8 mars 2020
Italie is the first European country to enforce an mandatory lockdown in the regions that are severely hit by the coronavirus. The Northern regions are locked down, quickly followed by the rest of the country
Source: Bloomberg
March 6 2020
The Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE) recommends devotees to avoid physical contact with cult items.
Source: Conferencia episcopal española (in Spanish)
Quickly followed by the ban to hug the statute of Saint James at the cathedral of Santiago.
Source: ABC Galicia (in Spanish)
March 2 2020
In Portugal, the 1st cases of the coronavirus are officially confirmed
Source: Reuters
February 28 2020
France enters stage 2 of ORSAN REB plan. It should help to slow down the spread of the coronavirus contamination throughout France.
Source: France 24
23 février 2020
France starst stage 1 of ORSAN REB plan. It should help to slow down the introduction of the coronavirus in France as well as to prepare heath care services ready for an outbreak.
Source: The Connexion
January 31 2020
In Espagne, a 1st case of the coronavirus is officially confirmed
Source: El Pais (in Spanish)
January 28 2020
The UE activates Civil Protection Mechanism
Source: European Communication Strategies
January 24 2020
France officially confirms 1st cases of coronavius in the country: 1st official cases of the coronavirus in Europe
Source: Politico
January 5 2020
The OMS officially confirms the apparition of a new coronavirus in the Wuhan region in China.
Source: OMS
November-December 2019
Apparition of the new coronavirus in Wuhan, China